Damper value for the panning.
Processes a doubleclick on an optional cell and fires a dblclick event.
mxGraph.prototype.dblClick = function( evt, cell )
Specifies the name of the action to be executed when a cell is double clicked.
Specifies if removing bends by double click is enabled.
Adds all arguments to the console if DEBUG is enabled.
debug: function()
Specifies if the output for debug should be visible in the console.
DEBUG: true
Decodes the given XML node.
mxCodec.prototype.decode = function( node, into )
Reads a sequence of the following child nodes and attributes:
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Uses the given node as the config for mxDefaultPopupMenu.
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Reads a sequence of the following child nodes and attributes:
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Parses the given node into the object or returns a new object representing the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Reads a sequence of the following child nodes and attributes:
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Reads the given attribute into the specified object.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeAttribute = function( dec, attr, obj )
Decodes all attributes of the given node using decodeAttribute.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeAttributes = function( dec, node, obj )
Decodes cells that have been encoded using inversion, ie.
mxCodec.prototype.decodeCell = function( node, restoreStructures )
Overrides decode child to handle special child nodes.
codec.decodeChild = function( dec, child, obj )
Overrides decode child to handle special child nodes.
codec.decodeChild = function( dec, child, obj )
Reads the specified child into the given object.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeChild = function( dec, child, obj )
Decodes all children of the given node using decodeChild.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeChildren = function( dec, node, obj )
Calls decodeAttributes and decodeChildren for the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeNode = function( dec, node, obj )
Reads the cells into the graph model.
codec.decodeRoot = function( dec, root, model )
Specifies if request values should be decoded as URIs before setting the textarea value in simulate.
Decodes the cells from the given node as templates.
codec.decodeTemplates = function( dec, node, editor )
Decodes the ui elements from the given node.
codec.decodeUi = function( dec, node, editor )
Defines the default family for all fonts.
Defines the default size (in px).
Defines the default style for all fonts.
Defines the portion of the cell which is to be used as a connectable region.
Defines the default width and height for images used in the label shape.
Specifies the default invalid color.
Defines the default size for all markers.
Defines the default start size for swimlanes.
Defines the default value for the STYLE_TEXT_DIRECTION if no value is defined for it in the style.
Specifies the default valid color.
Contains the base names of the default bundles if mxLoadResources is false.
defaultBundles: []
Prototype edge cell that is used for creating new edges.
Defines the default shape for edges.
Specifies the edge style to be returned in getEdgeStyle.
Prototype group cell that is used for creating new groups.
Static global variable that specifies the default value for the localized attribute of the text element.
mxEdgeStyle to be used for loops.
Specifies the default opacity to be used for the rubberband div.
Defines the overlapping for the overlay, that is, the proportional distance from the origin to the point defined by the alignment.
Value returned by getOverlap if isAllowOverlapParent returns true for the given cell.
Specifies the default parent to be used to insert new cells.
Static array that contains the globally registered shapes which are known to all instances of this class.
Defines the default shape for labels.
Defines the default shape for vertices.
Reference to the defs section of the SVG document.
Specifies the delay between the animation steps.
Delay in milliseconds for the panning.
Delay to show the tooltip in milliseconds.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Holds the XML node with the stencil description.
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the editor and removes all associated resources.
mxCellEditor.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxCellMarker.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the shapes associated with the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.destroy = function( state )
Destroys the state and all associated resources.
mxCellState.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the object and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxCellTracker.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroy this handler.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler associated with this object.
mxDefaultKeyHandler.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the toolbar associated with this object and removes all installed listeners.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes the editor and all its associated resources.
mxEditor.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the graph and all its resources.
mxGraph.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the view and all its resources.
mxGraphView.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys all resources that this object uses.
mxGuide.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys this handle.
mxHandle.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its references into the DOM.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroy this outline and removes all listeners from source.
mxOutline.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxRubberband.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the shape by removing it from the DOM and releasing the DOM node associated with the shape using mxEvent.release.
mxShape.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Returns the top, left corner as a new mxPoint.
mxTemporaryCellStates.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes the toolbar and all its associated resources.
mxToolbar.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the window and removes all associated resources.
mxWindow.prototype.destroy = function()
Specifies the event name for destroy.
DESTROY: 'destroy'
Destroys all elements in bends.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.destroyBends = function( bends )
Destroys the given canvas which was used for drawing.
mxShape.prototype.destroyCanvas = function( canvas )
True if this handler was destroyed using destroy.
Destroys the focusHighlight if one exists.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.destroyFocusHighlight = function()
Destroys the connect icons and resets the respective state.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function()
Destroys the focusIcons if they exist.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function()
Specifies if the window should be destroyed when it is closed.
Destroy the preview and highlight shapes.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.destroyShapes = function()
Does a depth first search starting at the specified cell.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.dfs = function( cell, parent )
Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.dfs = function( parent, root, connectingEdge, visitor, seen, layer )
Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.dfs = function( parent, root, connectingEdge, visitor, seen, layer )
Count of the number of times the ancestor dfs has been used.
Count of the number of times the ancestor dfs has been used.
Dialect to be used for drawing the graph.
Holds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted.
Defines the mixed HTML display dialect name.
Defines the preferred HTML display dialect name.
Defines the strict HTML display dialect.
Defines the SVG display dialect name.
Defines the VML display dialect name.
Hook to free resources after the edit has been removed from the command history.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.die = function()
Constant for direction east.
Bitwise mask for all directions.
Bitwise mask for east direction.
Constant for no direction.
Bitwise mask for north direction.
Bitwise mask for south direction.
Bitwise mask for west direction.
Constant for direction north.
Constant for direction south.
Constant for direction west.
Specifies if the context menu should be disabled in the graph container.
Disables the context menu for the given element.
disableContextMenu: function( element )
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies the event name for disconnect.
DISCONNECT: 'disconnect'
Disconnects the given edges from the terminals which are not in the given array.
mxGraph.prototype.disconnectGraph = function( cells )
Specifies if edges should be disconnected from their terminals when they are moved.
An array of locally stored X co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
An array of locally stored Y co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
Holds the DIV element which is currently visible.
The owner document of the codec.
Specifies the event name for done.
DONE: 'done'
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Invokes redraw on the shape of the given state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.doRedrawShape = function( state )
Resizes the container for the given graph width and height.
mxGraph.prototype.doResizeContainer = function( width, height )
Specifies the event name for doubleClick.
DOUBLE_CLICK: 'doubleClick'
Specifies the resource key for the tooltip to be displayed on the single control point for routed edges.
Specifies if double taps on touch-based devices should be handled as a double click.
Specifies the timeout for double taps and non-native double clicks.
Specifies the tolerance for double taps and double clicks in quirks mode.
Specifies the event name for down.
DOWN: 'down'
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.
Opacity of the drag element in %.
ZIndex for the drag element.
Actives the given graph as a drop target.
mxDragSource.prototype.dragEnter = function( graph, evt )
Deactivates the given graph as a drop target.
mxDragSource.prototype.dragExit = function( graph, evt )
mxPoint that specifies the offset of the dragElement.
Implements autoscroll, updates the currentPoint, highlights any drop targets and updates the preview.
mxDragSource.prototype.dragOver = function( graph, evt )
Draws the given state to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawCellState = function( state, canvas )
Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.
mxStencil.prototype.drawChildren = function( canvas, shape, x, y, w, h, node, aspect, disableShadow, paint )
Creates and returns the highlight shape for the given state.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.drawHighlight = function()
Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.
mxStencil.prototype.drawNode = function( canvas, shape, node, aspect, disableShadow, paint )
Draws the overlays for the given state.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawOverlays = function( state, canvas )
Redraws the preview edge using the color and width returned by getEdgeColor and getEdgeWidth.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Redraws the preview.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Redraws the preview.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Draws the shape of the given state.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawShape = function( state, canvas )
Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.
mxStencil.prototype.drawShape = function( canvas, shape, x, y, w, h )
Draws the given state and all its descendants to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawState = function( state, canvas )
Draws the text of the given state.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawText = function( state, canvas )
Holds the drill event listener for later removal.
Handles a drop from a toolbar item to the graph.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.drop = function( vertex, evt, target )
Returns the drop target for the given graph and coordinates.
mxDragSource.prototype.drop = function( graph, evt, dropTarget, x, y )
Defines the color to be used for the highlighting target parent cells (for drag and drop).
Specifies the return value for isDropEnabled.
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.
The cell width of any dummy vertices inserted
Optional float that specifies the horizontal offset of the constraint.
Holds the current horizontal offset.
Optional float that specifies the vertical offset of the constraint.
Holds the current vertical offset.