A | |
activate, mxWindow | |
add | |
addAction | |
addActionCombo | |
addActionOption, mxDefaultToolbar | |
addActions, mxEditor | |
addAlias, mxCodecRegistry | |
addAllEdges, mxGraph | |
addAncestorsWithLayout, mxLayoutManager | |
addBreak, mxToolbar | |
addButton, mxLog | |
addButtons, mxForm | |
addCell | |
addCellOverlay, mxGraph | |
addCells | |
addCellsWithLayout, mxLayoutManager | |
addCheckbox, mxForm | |
addCombo | |
addDescendantsWithLayout, mxLayoutManager | |
addEdge, mxGraph | |
addEdges, mxCellStatePreview | |
addElement, mxCodec | |
addField, mxForm | |
addForeignObject, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
addGestureListeners, mxEvent | |
addGraphFragment, mxPrintPreview | |
addImageBundle, mxGraph | |
addItem | |
addItems, mxDefaultPopupMenu | |
addLine, mxToolbar | |
addListener | |
addMarker, mxMarker | |
addMode | |
addMouseListener, mxGraph | |
addNode | |
addObjectValue, mxObjectCodec | |
addOp, mxAbstractCanvas2D | |
addOption | |
addPageBreak, mxPrintPreview | |
addPoint, mxEdgeHandler | |
addPointAt, mxEdgeHandler | |
addPoints, mxShape | |
addPrototype, mxDefaultToolbar | |
addSelectionCell, mxGraph | |
addSelectionCells, mxGraph | |
addSeparator | |
addStates, mxGraphHandler | |
addStencil, mxStencilRegistry | |
addStylename, mxUtils | |
addSwitchMode, mxToolbar | |
addTemplate, mxEditor | |
addText, mxForm | |
addTextarea, mxForm | |
addTextBackground, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
addTransparentBackgroundFilter, mxUtils | |
addVertex, mxEditor | |
addWaypoint, mxConnectionHandler | |
adjustParents, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
afterDecode | |
afterEncode | |
afterPaint, mxShape | |
alert, mxUtils | |
alignCells, mxGraph | |
allowEval, mxStencil | |
animateCell, mxMorphing | |
animateChanges | |
appendGraph, mxPrintPreview | |
apply | |
applyValue, mxCellEditor | |
arcTo, mxAbstractCanvas2D | |
arcToCurves, mxUtils | |
arrangeGroups, mxGraphLayout | |
attachParent, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
augmentBoundingBox | |
autoSizeCell, mxGraph | |
avoid, mxEdgeLabelLayout |
Puts the window on top of all other windows.
mxWindow.prototype.activate = function()
Adds the specified child to the parent at the given index using mxChildChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.add = function( parent, child, index )
Adds the given rectangle to this rectangle.
mxRectangle.prototype.add = function( rect )
Adds the default and current language properties file for the specified basename.
add: function( basename, lan, callback )
Adds the specified change to this edit.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.add = function( change )
Helper method to bind an action to a new menu item.
mxDefaultPopupMenu.prototype.addAction = function( menu, editor, lab, icon, funct, action, cell, parent, iconCls, enabled )
Binds the specified actionname to the specified function.
mxEditor.prototype.addAction = function ( actionname, funct )
Helper method to invoke mxToolbar.addActionCombo on toolbar using the given title and return the resulting DOM node.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addActionCombo = function( title )
Adds and returns a new SELECT element using the given title as the default element.
mxToolbar.prototype.addActionCombo = function( title, style )
Binds the given action to a option with the specified label in the given combo.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addActionOption = function( combo, title, action )
Adds the built-in actions to the editor instance.
mxEditor.prototype.addActions = function ()
Adds an alias for mapping a classname to a codecname.
addAlias: function( classname, codecname )
Returns an array with the given cells and all edges that are connected to a cell or one of its descendants.
mxGraph.prototype.addAllEdges = function( cells )
Adds all ancestors of the given cell that have a layout.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.addAncestorsWithLayout = function( cell, result )
Adds a break to the container.
mxToolbar.prototype.addBreak = function()
Adds a button to the console using the given label and function.
addButton: function( lab, funct )
Helper method to add an OK and Cancel button using the respective functions.
mxForm.prototype.addButtons = function( okFunct, cancelFunct )
Adds the cell to the parent and connects it to the given source and target terminals.
mxGraph.prototype.addCell = function( cell, parent, index, source, target )
Adds the given mxCell to the selection and fires a select event.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.addCell = function( cell )
Adds an mxCellOverlay for the specified cell.
mxGraph.prototype.addCellOverlay = function( cell, overlay )
Adds the cells to the parent at the given index, connecting each cell to the optional source and target terminal.
mxGraph.prototype.addCells = function( cells, parent, index, source, target, absolute )
Adds the given array of mxCells to the selection and fires a select event.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.addCells = function( cells )
Adds all ancestors of the given cell that have a layout.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.addCellsWithLayout = function( cell, result )
Adds a checkbox for the given name and value and returns the textfield.
mxForm.prototype.addCheckbox = function( name, value )
Helper method to invoke mxToolbar.addCombo on toolbar and return the resulting DOM node.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addCombo = function()
Adds a combo for the given name and returns the combo.
mxForm.prototype.addCombo = function( name, isMultiSelect, size )
Adds and returns a new SELECT element using the given style.
mxToolbar.prototype.addCombo = function( style )
Adds all descendants of the given cell that have a layout.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.addDescendantsWithLayout = function( cell, result )
Adds the edge to the parent and connects it to the given source and target terminals.
mxGraph.prototype.addEdge = function( edge, parent, source, target, index )
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.addEdges = function( state )
Adds the given element to elements if it has an ID.
mxCodec.prototype.addElement = function( node )
Adds a new row with the name and the input field in two columns and returns the given input.
mxForm.prototype.addField = function( name, input )
Creates a foreignObject for the given string and adds it to the given root.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addForeignObject = function( x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap, format, overflow, clip, rotation, dir, div, root )
Adds the given listeners for touch, mouse and/or pointer events.
addGestureListeners: function( node, startListener, moveListener, endListener )
Adds a graph fragment to the given div.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.addGraphFragment = function( dx, dy, scale, pageNumber, div, clip )
Adds the specified mxImageBundle.
mxGraph.prototype.addImageBundle = function( bundle )
Adds a new item that executes the given action in editor.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addItem = function( title, icon, action, pressed )
Adds the given item to the given parent item.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.addItem = function( title, image, funct, parent, iconCls, enabled, active, noHover )
Adds the given function as an image with the specified title and icon and returns the new image node.
mxToolbar.prototype.addItem = function( title, icon, funct, pressedIcon, style, factoryMethod )
Recursively adds the given items and all of its children into the given menu.
mxDefaultPopupMenu.prototype.addItems = function( editor, menu, cell, evt, conditions, item, parent )
Adds a horizontal line to the container.
mxToolbar.prototype.addLine = function()
Binds the function to the specified event on the given element.
addListener: function()
Binds the specified function to the given event name.
mxEventSource.prototype.addListener = function( name, funct )
Adds a factory method that updates a given endpoint and returns a function to paint the marker onto the given canvas.
addMarker: function( type, funct )
Creates an item for selecting the given mode in the editor’s graph.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addMode = function( title, icon, mode, pressed, funct )
Adds a new item to the toolbar.
mxToolbar.prototype.addMode = function( title, icon, funct, pressedIcon, style, toggle )
Adds a listener to the graph event dispatch loop.
mxGraph.prototype.addMouseListener = function( listener )
Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addNode = function( filled, stroked )
Adds the current node to the root.
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.addNode = function( filled, stroked )
Sets the decoded child node as a value of the given object.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.addObjectValue = function( obj, fieldname, value, template )
Adds the given operation to the path.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.addOp = function()
Helper method to invoke mxToolbar.addOption on toolbar and return the resulting DOM node that represents the option.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addOption = function( combo, title, value )
Adds an option for the given label to the specified combo.
mxForm.prototype.addOption = function( combo, label, value, isSelected )
Adds and returns a new OPTION element inside the given SELECT element.
mxToolbar.prototype.addOption = function( combo, title, value )
Adds a page break to the given document.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.addPageBreak = function( doc )
Adds a control point for the given state and event.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.addPoint = function( state, evt )
Adds a control point at the given point.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.addPointAt = function( state, x, y )
Paints the given points with rounded corners.
mxShape.prototype.addPoints = function( c, pts, rounded, arcSize, close, exclude, initialMove )
Creates an item for inserting a clone of the specified prototype cell into the editor’s graph.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addPrototype = function( title, icon, ptype, pressed, insert, toggle )
Adds the given cell to the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.addSelectionCell = function( cell )
Adds the given cells to the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.addSelectionCells = function( cells )
Adds a vertical separator using the optional icon.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addSeparator = function( icon )
Adds a horizontal separator in the given parent item or the top-level menu if no parent is specified.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.addSeparator = function( parent, force )
Adds the specifies image as a separator.
mxToolbar.prototype.addSeparator = function( icon )
Adds the states for the given cell recursively to the given dictionary.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.addStates = function( cell, dict )
Adds the given mxStencil.
addStencil: function( name, stencil )
Adds the specified stylename to the given style if it does not already contain the stylename.
addStylename: function( style, stylename )
Adds a new selectable item to the toolbar.
mxToolbar.prototype.addSwitchMode = function( title, icon, funct, pressedIcon, style )
Adds the specified template under the given name in templates.
mxEditor.prototype.addTemplate = function ( name, template )
Adds an input for the given name, type and value and returns it.
mxForm.prototype.addText = function( name, value, type )
Adds a textarea for the given name and value and returns the textarea.
mxForm.prototype.addTextarea = function( name, value, rows )
Background color and border
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addTextBackground = function( node, str, x, y, w, h, align, valign, overflow )
Adds a transparent background to the filter of the given node.
addTransparentBackgroundFilter: function( node )
Adds the given vertex as a child of parent at the specified x and y coordinate and fires an addVertex event.
mxEditor.prototype.addVertex = function ( parent, vertex, x, y )
Adds the waypoint for the given event to waypoints.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.addWaypointForEvent = function( me )
Adjust parent cells whose child geometries have changed.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.adjustParents = function()
Restores object state in the child change.
codec.afterDecode = function( dec, node, obj )
Restores the state by assigning the previous value.
codec.afterDecode = function( dec, node, obj )
Hook for subclassers to post-process the object after decoding.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.afterDecode = function( dec, node, obj )
Restores the state by assigning the previous value.
codec.afterDecode = function( dec, node, obj )
Restores the state by assigning the previous value.
codec.afterDecode = function( dec, node, obj )
Encodes an mxCell and wraps the XML up inside the XML of the user object (inversion).
codec.afterEncode = function( enc, obj, node )
Encodes the child recusively and adds the result to the given node.
codec.afterEncode = function( enc, obj, node )
Hook for subclassers to post-process the node for the given object after encoding and return the post-processed node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.afterEncode = function( enc, obj, node )
Invokes after paint was called.
mxShape.prototype.afterPaint = function( c )
Displayss the given alert in a new dialog.
alert: function( message )
Aligns the given cells vertically or horizontally according to the given alignment using the optional parameter as the coordinate.
mxGraph.prototype.alignCells = function( align, cells, param )
Animates the given cell state using mxCellStatePreview.moveState.
mxMorphing.prototype.animateCell = function( cell, move, recurse )
Asynchronous animated move operation.
animateChanges: function( graph, changes, done )
See mxEffects.animateChanges.
animateChanges: function( graph, changes )
Adds the given graph to the existing print preview.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.appendGraph = function( graph, scale, x0, y0, forcePageBreaks, keepOpen )
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.apply = function( node, bounds )
Overrides mxShape.apply to replace the fill and stroke colors with the respective values from mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_BACKGROUND and mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_BORDER.
mxImageShape.prototype.apply = function( state )
Applies the style of the given mxCellState to the shape.
mxShape.prototype.apply = function( state )
Extends mxShape to update the text styles.
mxText.prototype.apply = function( state )
Called in stopEditing if cancel is false to invoke mxGraph.labelChanged.
mxCellEditor.prototype.applyValue = function( state, value )
Adds the given arc to the current path.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.arcTo = function( rx, ry, angle, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, x, y )
Converts the given arc to a series of curves.
arcToCurves: function( x0, y0, r1, r2, angle, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, x, y )
Shortcut to mxGraph.updateGroupBounds with moveGroup set to true.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.arrangeGroups = function( cells, border, topBorder, rightBorder, bottomBorder, leftBorder )
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.attachParent = function( node, height )
Augments the bounding box with the edge width and markers.
mxArrow.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function( bbox )
Augments the bounding box with the edge width and markers.
mxArrowConnector.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function( bbox )
Augments the bounding box with the strokewidth and shadow offsets.
mxConnector.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function( bbox )
Augments the bounding box with the strokewidth and shadow offsets.
mxShape.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function( bbox )
Resizes the specified cell to just fit around the its label and/or children
mxGraph.prototype.autoSizeCell = function( cell, recurse )
Places the labels of the given edges.
mxEdgeLabelLayout.prototype.avoid = function( edge, vertex )