B | |
beforeDecode | |
beforeEncode, mxObjectCodec | |
beforePaint, mxShape | |
beforeUndo, mxLayoutManager | |
begin | |
beginUpdate, mxGraphModel | |
bind, mxUtils | |
bindAction, mxDefaultKeyHandler | |
bindControlKey, mxKeyHandler | |
bindControlShiftKey, mxKeyHandler | |
bindKey, mxKeyHandler | |
bindShiftKey, mxKeyHandler | |
br, mxUtils | |
bridge, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
button, mxUtils |
Decodes an mxCell and uses the enclosing XML node as the user object for the cell (inversion).
codec.beforeDecode = function( dec, node, obj )
Decodes the any child nodes as using the respective codec from the registry.
codec.beforeDecode = function( dec, node, obj )
Hook for subclassers to pre-process the node for the specified object and return the node to be used for further processing by decode.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.beforeDecode = function( dec, node, obj )
Decodes the optional children as cells using the respective decoder.
codec.beforeDecode = function( dec, node, obj )
Hook for subclassers to pre-process the object before encoding.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.beforeEncode = function( enc, obj, node )
Invoked before paint is called.
mxShape.prototype.beforePaint = function( c )
Called from undoHandler.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.beforeUndo = function( undoableEdit )
Starts a new path.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.begin = function()
Extends superclass to create path.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.begin = function()
Extends superclass to create path.
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.begin = function()
Starts a new path and puts it into the drawing buffer.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.begin = function()
Increments the updateLevel by one.
mxGraphModel.prototype.beginUpdate = function()
Returns a wrapper function that locks the execution scope of the given function to the specified scope.
bind: function( scope, funct )
Binds the specified keycode to the given action in editor.
mxDefaultKeyHandler.prototype.bindAction = function ( code, action, control )
Binds the specified keycode to the given function.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.bindControlKey = function( code, funct )
Binds the specified keycode to the given function.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.bindControlShiftKey = function( code, funct )
Binds the specified keycode to the given function.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.bindKey = function( code, funct )
Binds the specified keycode to the given function.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.bindShiftKey = function( code, funct )
Appends a linebreak to the given parent and returns the linebreak.
br: function( parent, count )
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.bridge = function( line1, x1, y1, line2, x2, y2 )
Returns a new button with the given level and function as an onclick event handler.
button: function( label, funct, doc )