Event handler that creates popupmenus.
mxPopupMenuHandler | Event handler that creates popupmenus. |
Functions | |
mxPopupMenuHandler | Constructs an event handler that creates a mxPopupMenu. |
Variables | |
graph | Reference to the enclosing mxGraph. |
selectOnPopup | Specifies if cells should be selected if a popupmenu is displayed for them. |
clearSelectionOnBackground | Specifies if cells should be deselected if a popupmenu is displayed for the diagram background. |
triggerX | X-coordinate of the mouse down event. |
triggerY | Y-coordinate of the mouse down event. |
screenX | Screen X-coordinate of the mouse down event. |
screenY | Screen Y-coordinate of the mouse down event. |
Functions | |
init | Initializes the shapes required for this vertex handler. |
isSelectOnPopup | Hook for returning if a cell should be selected for a given mxMouseEvent. |
mouseDown | Handles the event by initiating the panning. |
mouseMove | Handles the event by updating the panning on the graph. |
mouseUp | Handles the event by setting the translation on the view or showing the popupmenu. |
getCellForPopupEvent | Hook to return the cell for the mouse up popup trigger handling. |
destroy | Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes. |
function mxPopupMenuHandler( graph, factoryMethod )
Constructs an event handler that creates a mxPopupMenu.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.isSelectOnPopup = function( me )
Hook for returning if a cell should be selected for a given mxMouseEvent. This implementation returns selectOnPopup.
Constructs an event handler that creates a mxPopupMenu.
function mxPopupMenuHandler( graph, factoryMethod )
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Specifies if cells should be selected if a popupmenu is displayed for them.
Specifies if cells should be deselected if a popupmenu is displayed for the diagram background.
X-coordinate of the mouse down event.
Y-coordinate of the mouse down event.
Screen X-coordinate of the mouse down event.
Screen Y-coordinate of the mouse down event.
Initializes the shapes required for this vertex handler.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.init = function()
Hook for returning if a cell should be selected for a given mxMouseEvent.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.isSelectOnPopup = function( me )
Handles the event by initiating the panning.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by updating the panning on the graph.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by setting the translation on the view or showing the popupmenu.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Hook to return the cell for the mouse up popup trigger handling.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.getCellForPopupEvent = function( me )
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.destroy = function()