Extends mxShape to implement a swimlane shape. This shape is registered under mxConstants.SHAPE_SWIMLANE in mxCellRenderer. Use the <mxConstants.STYLE_STYLE_STARTSIZE> to define the size of the title region, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_FILLCOLOR for the content area fill, mxConstants.STYLE_SEPARATORCOLOR to draw an additional vertical separator and mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_LINE to hide the line between the title region and the content area. The mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL affects the orientation of this shape, not only its label.
mxSwimlane | Extends mxShape to implement a swimlane shape. |
Functions | |
mxSwimlane | Constructs a new swimlane shape. |
Variables | |
imageSize | Default imagewidth and imageheight if an image but no imagewidth and imageheight are defined in the style. |
Functions | |
isRoundable | Adds roundable support. |
getTitleSize | Returns the title size. |
getLabelBounds | Returns the bounding box for the label. |
getGradientBounds | Returns the bounding box for the gradient box for this shape. |
getSwimlaneArcSize | Returns the arcsize for the swimlane. |
isHorizontal | Paints the swimlane vertex shape. |
paintVertexShape | Paints the swimlane vertex shape. |
paintSwimlane | Paints the swimlane vertex shape. |
paintRoundedSwimlane | Paints the swimlane vertex shape. |
paintDivider | Paints the divider between swimlane title and content area. |
paintSeparator | Paints the vertical or horizontal separator line between swimlanes. |
getImageBounds | Paints the swimlane vertex shape. |
function mxSwimlane( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs a new swimlane shape.
bounds | mxRectangle that defines the bounds. This is stored in mxShape.bounds. |
fill | String that defines the fill color. This is stored in <fill>. |
stroke | String that defines the stroke color. This is stored in <stroke>. |
strokewidth | Optional integer that defines the stroke width. Default is 1. This is stored in <strokewidth>. |
Constructs a new swimlane shape.
function mxSwimlane( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Default imagewidth and imageheight if an image but no imagewidth and imageheight are defined in the style.
Adds roundable support.
mxSwimlane.prototype.isRoundable = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Returns the title size.
mxSwimlane.prototype.getTitleSize = function()
Returns the bounding box for the label.
mxSwimlane.prototype.getLabelBounds = function( rect )
Returns the bounding box for the gradient box for this shape.
mxSwimlane.prototype.getGradientBounds = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Returns the arcsize for the swimlane.
mxSwimlane.prototype.getSwimlaneArcSize = function( w, h, start )
Paints the swimlane vertex shape.
mxSwimlane.prototype.isHorizontal = function()
Paints the swimlane vertex shape.
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintVertexShape = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Paints the swimlane vertex shape.
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintSwimlane = function( c, x, y, w, h, start, fill, swimlaneLine )
Paints the swimlane vertex shape.
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintRoundedSwimlane = function( c, x, y, w, h, start, r, fill, swimlaneLine )
Paints the divider between swimlane title and content area.
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintDivider = function( c, x, y, w, h, start, shadow )
Paints the vertical or horizontal separator line between swimlanes.
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintSeparator = function( c, x, y, w, h, start, color )
Paints the swimlane vertex shape.
mxSwimlane.prototype.getImageBounds = function( x, y, w, h )
Name under which mxSwimlane is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_SWIMLANE: 'swimlane'
Defines the key for the fill color of the swimlane background.
Defines the key for the separatorColor style.
Defines the key for the swimlaneLine style.
Defines the key for the horizontal style.
STYLE_HORIZONTAL: 'horizontal'
Holds the mxRectangle that specifies the bounds of this shape.