A singleton class that implements a simple console.
mxLog | A singleton class that implements a simple console. |
Variables | |
consoleName | Specifies the name of the console window. |
TRACE | Specified if the output for enter and leave should be visible in the console. |
DEBUG | Specifies if the output for debug should be visible in the console. |
WARN | Specifies if the output for warn should be visible in the console. |
buffer | Buffer for pre-initialized content. |
Functions | |
init | Initializes the DOM node for the console. |
info | Writes the current navigator information to the console. |
addButton | Adds a button to the console using the given label and function. |
isVisible | Returns true if the console is visible. |
show | Shows the console. |
setVisible | Shows or hides the console. |
enter | Writes the specified string to the console if TRACE is true and returns the current time in milliseconds. |
leave | Writes the specified string to the console if TRACE is true and computes the difference between the current time and t0 in milliseconds. |
debug | Adds all arguments to the console if DEBUG is enabled. |
warn | Adds all arguments to the console if WARN is enabled. |
write | Adds the specified strings to the console. |
writeln | Adds the specified strings to the console, appending a linefeed at the end of each string. |
DEBUG: true
Specifies if the output for debug should be visible in the console. Default is true.
WARN: true
Specifies if the output for warn should be visible in the console. Default is true.
init: function()
Initializes the DOM node for the console. This requires document.body to point to a non-null value. This is called from within setVisible if the log has not yet been initialized.
enter: function( string )
Writes the specified string to the console if TRACE is true and returns the current time in milliseconds.
mxLog.show(); var t0 = mxLog.enter('Hello'); // Do something mxLog.leave('World!', t0);
debug: function()
Adds all arguments to the console if DEBUG is enabled.
mxLog.show(); mxLog.debug('Hello, World!');
warn: function()
Adds all arguments to the console if WARN is enabled.
mxLog.show(); mxLog.warn('Hello, World!');
Specifies the name of the console window.
consoleName: 'Console'
Specified if the output for enter and leave should be visible in the console.
TRACE: false
Writes the specified string to the console if TRACE is true and returns the current time in milliseconds.
enter: function( string )
Writes the specified string to the console if TRACE is true and computes the difference between the current time and t0 in milliseconds.
leave: function( string, t0 )
Specifies if the output for debug should be visible in the console.
DEBUG: true
Adds all arguments to the console if DEBUG is enabled.
debug: function()
Specifies if the output for warn should be visible in the console.
WARN: true
Adds all arguments to the console if WARN is enabled.
warn: function()
Buffer for pre-initialized content.
buffer: ''
Initializes the DOM node for the console.
init: function()
Writes the current navigator information to the console.
info: function()
Adds a button to the console using the given label and function.
addButton: function( lab, funct )
Returns true if the console is visible.
isVisible: function()
Shows the console.
show: function()
Shows or hides the console.
setVisible: function( visible )
Adds the specified strings to the console.
write: function()
Adds the specified strings to the console, appending a linefeed at the end of each string.
writeln: function()